i shall blog about the changes of the 4 of us.
(p/s: sorry girls.. hahah!!!!)
Year 1
HAHAHH BTH!!!! this pic was taken in TP library. AHHHHH LOL!!!!!!
then this is me & chups..
wah sibei bth. taken at Spotlight! HAHHA
ok.. then it was during our FIRST class chalet~
our first BIT sport day!
memorable baby!
it was sooooooooo fun!! :D
Year 2 (sem 1)
then eventually of cos we got change abit la...
during lynn's bdae (05th march 2005)
hahah SEE!! lynnster's hair was still so long last time..
and i think i just got a haircut.. SHORT HAIR!!
beach outing! (28th march 2005)
ahahah still bth!!
taken during chup's bdae~ (30th april 2005)
pls compare.. i think we did change.. FOR THE BETTER.
later part of the year.. (17th aug 2005~19th aug 2005)
hair all grow nicer liao~~
3 of them~~~ :D
Year 2 (sem 2)
BIT sports day! (24th nov 2005)
go gina house fly kite!!! (26th nov 2005)
BIT phototaking session!!! (15th dec 2005)
further changes!! (4th feb 2006)
new year'06 @ gina house!
and of course the most recent pic of us is taken during lynn's birthday!
so ya! finally finish updating our changes..
hahah i got thousand pics of ours lor. bth!!
hahah so u can see..
ah bao slim down alot.. and her hair of cos now nicer la..
lynn.. hair nicer liao! no more braces! :D
gina.. the hair bth.. always change colour one!!! slim down also! *thumbs up*
i think i almost the same.. except for the hair ba! HAHHA
anyway enjoy la!!!
we all are fabulous, mavellous, fantastic, splendid! LOL!!!!!!!